Pardon the 'rojak'ness...
Hari ini hari yang tenang..
Actually, maybe tenang after half of the day went by..
Pagi tadi quite hectic juga..terbangun lambat ke kelas Heat Transfer. Ikutkan hati dah nak 'ter'ponteng, tapi didesak juga secara lembut oleh Alia sahabat se'Mechanical Engineering' ku, merangkap housemate nombor 1, untuk pergi.
"Cikgu nak cakap pasal take home final harini...", katanya.
Terkedip-kedip aku memandang Alia..dengan mata separuh terbuka dan minda yang masih separa tertinggal di alam mimpi..ok...gagahkan jugakla diri ni. Terus capai tuala masuk bathroom. 'This better be a productive day'...
Terlambat 20 minit ke kelas, Alia hanya tersenyum tipis tika aku meletakkan beg dan menarik kerusi di sebelahnya...nasib baik juga, 'Cikgu' Greg Walker baru je menyudahkan explanation mengenai fenomena2 sekeliling yang berkaitan Heat Transfer..i hope i didn't miss much..
i think and im sure that everybody who has taken it agrees, Heat Transfer is such a hard subject. Cikgu said that unlike other subjects in Mechanical Engineering, Heat Transfer is different such that, in any heat transfer phenomena analysis, it is hard to even get something that is close to what the actual occurrence. Heat transfer occurs everywhere, uncontrollably and complicatedly, that we often had to 'wave our hands a little bit' (a phrase Cikgu repeatedly say in every class) and thus get results far from actual. frankly, i spent most of the time in the class wondering what he's talking about...yeah, i slipped away most of the time..=/
And then he started talking about the final..great timing..
Usai kelas, berulang alik ke sana kemari uruskan personal stuff pula..running the errands bak kata orang putih =)'s almost impossible to get these things done next week with the approaching, buat ajelah hari ni kan, since ada masa...
dari kelas, jalan kaki pulang ke rumah kejap untuk ambil passport for tax documenting purposes...Along the way, tiba2 teringat sesuatu...Alamak! aku tepuk dahi. tertinggal dompet pulak kat rumah tadi....
pulang ke rumah lagi jalan kaki.... (-_-")
Dari Stevenson Center Library memfotostat passport, ke CVS Pharmacy membeli money order, ke Station B untuk mengepos, then berjalan kaki ke HR Office berhampiran Starbucks West End Ave menghantar dokumen...all that was done by walking in the -5 Celcius-coldness...and mind you the places are not near to each other..pheww..
On the way pulang, sempat singgah Starbucks Coffee...aku decide untuk duduk melepas lelah kat situ kejap...Caramel Brulee Latte dengan 3 keping Vanilla Bean Scone jadi peneman. Fuh! Sedang enak2 menghirup coffee dan mengunyah scone yang terlebih gula itu, tiba2 ditegur Bam yang singgah untuk membeli the-over-priced-but-people-still-buy-it Starbucks Coffee..sempat dia meninggalkan sekeping over-sized chocolate chip cookie sebelum pergi..thanks Bam!..anyways, why am i talking food now..? =/
Selepas lelah dilepaskan, digagahkan tubuh meredah kesejukan luar semula untuk pulang ke rumah..tak apalah..kat Malaysia nanti tak rasa dah sejuk macam ni, unless you wanna stick your head inside the fridge..=p. Kat rumah, Zed, housemate number 2, after fretting about how bad her presentation went, ajak pergi swimming kat Rec after Maghrib. And i said why not and i'll definitely go! lama dah nak belajar berenang tapi xmenyempat2...=)
We spent 2 and a half hours in the water...naik kecut dah jari2 tangan dan kaki...we had fun, I had fun =)..balik tu semua dah kelaparan...lucky enough, housmate nombor 1 a.k.a Alia, masak ayam kurma dimakan dengan nasi beriyani...Alhamdulillah! xperlu hassle untuk masak lagi..Zed request nasi lemak sambal ikan bilis dengan ayam goreng KFC dah masa swimming tadi...hehe. Sorry Zed, other time k! =). Usai solat, nap for 2 hours...malam kena pergi kerja pulak..
So here am I right now, with aching muscles out of tak warm up betul2 before swimming, and temporary pekak telinga belah kiri, out of kemasukan air waktu swimming tadi..haha.. working my guts off in a 4 hours-shift, starting 12am tadi. 5 more minutes to go as you are reading this sentence...just can't wait to curl up in bed and sleep!...
i'm calling this a heck of a day! (pardon the mild oath..huhu) =)
i'm off, thanks for reading my not so normal blog post..sekali sekala cakap pasal how the day goes okay jugak kan.. =)
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh...
hahahahha azni pekak.
haha suke eh jiha. ish3.
update slalu azni :P cam jihaaaaa
yeah insyaAllah kalau ada kelapangan..hehe
n i'm still pekak bak kata jiha
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